Monday, June 3, 2019
Personal SWOT Analysis
Personal SWOT AnalysisIntroductionThe work of creating my personal emergence be after (PDP) is a way to gain insight into where I am now and how to position myself to get to where I require to be. Having a PDP is more than having an exalted just about a future job or c areer, it is about goal picture and creating a specific, measurable, realistic and magazine bound (SMART) road map about how to get there.Understanding the creation and use of PDPs is as well, in itself, a useful skill to offer employers as personal development planning and objective setting are mainstays of human resource management in both the public and private sectors in the UK. At this judgment of conviction, my PDP is about getting me on the right path while in the future achieving the identified objectives may well be necessary to achieve performance related pay and career progression. Commitment to the process of creating a workable PDP is therefore an important task.Where am I now?In terms of my perf ormance on the degree so far, I deliver realised that I measure performance in a much broader sense than the grades that I hold back received in my coursework and examinations. Much of what I leave learned at university so far has been about learning to manage time and commitments and ensure that I maximize the opportunities available to me. These opportunities include those afforded by my course, the universitys facilities, and also the opportunities that new friendships have brought. I have been pleased with my grades and ingest myself to be on-track for a marketable 21 I have also received positive and helpful feedback from tutors. More pleasing has been the feeling of increased confidence in group situations with my peers that I have something to contri howevere and that I have the ability to influence and inspire others. This is particularly important to me as I do not simply aspire to a career in bloodline but to achieve managerial and leadership responsibilities early in my career.From my SWOT analysis, the two things that I would identify as beingness critical to stop doing are spreading myself too thinly across too many interests and rushing onto the next project. The issue of spreading myself too thinly across a different range of extra curricular interests is important because, as stated, I have managerial and leadership ambitions. Membership of a wide array of groups and societies shows diversity of interests but it does not show depth and it is also hard to succeed in positions of responsibility within a group if you do not have the time to make a real commitment. The second issue, that of stopping rushing onto the next project is important for two key reasons. The first is that in rushing front I have realized that I lose time to reflect, and reflection is critical in measuring project success or failure secondly, in rushing forward, I squeeze out gain a negative impression to peers that what I am doing now is less important than what I am sacking on to do1. In terms of what I plan to continue to do to maintain my performance, I have identified a good record of attention at lectures and seminars and managing to keep up with the required reading. The primary reasons why I have identified these as critical factors would appear self-evident I indirect request to get value for money from my studies and to do this I need to attend lectures and seminars and ensure that I am sufficiently well prepared that I can follow lectures and contribute to seminars and tutorials. There is an additional factor too in that research has shown that attendance and success in coursework and examinations is positively correlated.2Brainstorming what I want to start doing brought up several items in my SWOT analysis. From this I have drawn out increasing employability by seeking internship and / or summer arranging opportunities and also broadening my reading to develop a greater awareness of current affairs. I have identified the inter nship or placement as being critical as a successful placement would enable me to further fine tune my career plans in terms of sector sought and which aspects of business concern to focus on it will also enhance my CV to future employers by showing that I was focused on my career before my terminal year. I have also identified broadening my reading as being critical as while I am passionate about business, research indicates that employers are seeking well-rounded candidates who are open minded and have an interest in the world around them3.Where am I personnel casualty?My primary plan for what I hope to be doing within six months of graduating is to have successfully joined an established management training scheme. Having investigated the schemes available, I consider myself well-placed for those aimed at generalists, business specialists (operations / strategy), and also potentially schemes to develop future human resources managers. Given my broad interests in business, I wo uld prefer a scheme that would give me exposure to a range of roles. I am particularly drawn to the MS Scheme, John Lewis Partnership Scheme, HMRC Talent attention Scheme, and also the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme for these reasons. Given the prevailing economic climate and uncertainty about the health of the job market that I will be graduating into, I propose to a contingency plan of obtaining a place on an MSc Business programme.How do I get there?Action plan outlining three personal objectives for the next 12 months that will help me in my career.ReferencesFlannes, SW and G Levin (2005) Essential People Skills for Project Managers. Management Concepts.Stewart, J and V Knowles (2001) Graduate recruitment implications for business and management courses in higher education. Journal of European Industrial Training, 25, 2-4, 98-108.AppendicesPersonal SWOT AnalysisFirst Name net NameContact address House name, Any town, PostcodeE-mail emailprotected Mobile telephone 000 00 00000Anytown High School Highlights of A/AS and GCSE resultsWORK lie withDatesOrganisation and location Your RoleYour Responsibilities and any special projects you were involved in or areas of the business that you found particularly interestingSkills developed during employment time management skills, giving effective feedback, etc. How this job influenced your application for the type of work you are seeking with this CV.1Footnotes1 Flannes and Levin (2005) highlight the need to show tenacious commitment to projects throughout the project cycle rather than focusing on the next stage or next project.2 See Colby (2004)3 Stewart and Knowles (2001)
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