Friday, May 31, 2019
Affirmitive Action Essay -- Affirmative Action Essays
assentient Action is the name given to programs that try to correct past and ongoing discriminations against women, racial minorities, and others in the cipher force and in education. The principal goal of Affirmative Action is to create more diversity and equal opportunities in jobs or schools that used to be each or mostly male, white, or both. Affirmative Action programs have been in place only a little over thirty years. Affirmative natural process works.There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, and white women who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative military action. When these policies received executive branch and judicial support, vast numbers of people of color, and white women gained access they would not otherwise have had. These gains have led to very real changes. Affirmative action has definitely helped women and minorities in t heir careers. White women now hold 40 pct of all corporate middle-management jobs, and the number of women-owned businesses has grown by 57 percent since 1982 (Dundul, p.64). Affirmative action programs have not eliminated racism, nor have they always been implemented without problems. The implementation of affirmative action was Americas first h peerlessst attempt at declaration a problem it chose to ignore. Comparable imbalances exist for other racial and ethnic minorities as well as for women. Yet, to truly understand the importance of affirmative action, one must look at Americas past discrimination.Affirmative action is demand to level the playing field of the work force in America. Affirmative action has had its greatest amount of success in city, state, and government jobs. Since the 1960s the area of law enforcement witnessed the greatest increase in minority applicants, and in jobs offered to minorities. This should be viewed as extremely positive, because prior to affirm ative action these jobs were almost completely closed off to minorities and woman. Affirmative action has experienced considerably less success in integration in big business. This is due to the fact big business has been more resistant to affirmative action and harder to regulate. Affirmative action is also needed to help black women to compete in todays corporate world. Black women in corporate America are still scarce. The Bu... ...ation would not be open to minorities and women, which could outcome in poverty and discrimination. Affirmative action is our only hope not only in for equality in jobs and education but life itself. In conclusion, Affirmative Action is one of the most important and controversial social issues of our time, and will continue to be questionable as long as it is wear out of our legal system. Legal decisions regarding Affirmative Action are thrusting it towards extinction, but its supporters will fight fiercely to reverse the trend, and it will be inter esting to value the direction taken by the courts in the next few years. Regardless of the outcome, Affirmative Action has revolutionized the way the population views race, whether part of the majority or the minority. works Cited-Dundul,Tom. Affirmative Action. Working Women Oct. 1995 63-66. -Cyrus, Virgina. Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. Second Edition. Mayfield Publishing Co. 1996.- Skylar, Holly. Chaos or Community? Seeking Solutions, Not Scapegoats for bad economics Boston South End Press. 1995. -Chappell, Kevin. What they Dont Tell you about Affirmative Action Ebony Aug. 1995 24-26.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Jane Goodall :: essays papers
Jane GoodallJane Goodall is angiotensin converting enzyme of the worlds most admired women, acclaimed scientist, and conservationist ( The work that she does is called ethology, which is the study of animal behavior. Such a successful woman has numerous admirable qualities. She has contributed greatly to society as well as to the animal kingdom. Her research paved the way for countless primate studies, and has changed the way many pile view chimpanzees. Trying to narrow down plainly three admirable qualities about her is difficult, since she has so many. To me, her most admirable qualities are her patience and persistence to learn animals, her research involving chimpanzees, and her contributions she has made to the world by establishing various institutions.Studying chimpanzees is not an easy task. Subsequently, Jane Goodall made it look as simple as doing everyday activities. When she started the research, the chimpanzees fled from her in fear. It to ok many months for her to get close to them. With patience and persistence, she searched the forest everyday, deliberately trying not to get too close to them. Everyday she did this for many months. On several(prenominal) days Jane would observe the chimpanzees through binoculars from a peak overlooking the forest, just so she wouldnt disturb their natural behavior. Gradually over a long period of time the chimpanzees became accustomed to her. At this time, she would be able to move up to them and just sit there and study them. She believed that this was her breakthrough in her research. Jane tells us I must find a way to watch free, wild animals living their own, undisturbed lives. I wanted to learn things that no one else knew, uncover secrets through patient observation. I wanted to come as close to talking to animals as I could ( To be able to have such patience and persistence is remarkable. Janes scientific discoveries have laid the foundation f or all future primate studies. Her interest was studying the chimpanzees to gain insight into macrocosm evolutionary past. Her observations have changed the way researchers and everyday individuals view chimpanzees. Jane had observed chimpanzees making and using tools for different reasons, such as using straws for extracting termites from nests. Her studies have showed many similarities mingled with humans and chimpanzees, this discovery had amazed the world. The longer her research continued, the more it became obvious how like people chimpanzees really are. Some people believed that her research would last only a few months, however it has become the longest field study on any animal species in their natural surroundings (www.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
breaking the norm Essay -- essays research papers
Breaking the NormsWhen severally of us was conceived, we did not have anything influencing our perception of the world. While we were growing up and salvage do this day, our surroundings influenced the way we think and the how we behave in our daily lives. We get ideas about gender roles from our parents, our teachers, television, books and even subconsciously. As part of a baffle to to break the norms of society and push past peoples thresholds, I necessityed to figure out what made people feel uncomfortable. I thought for a consequence and decided to tackle homophobia. I choose this topic because very few workforce are comfortable talking about the subject of gay men. It is my accusive to better understand why men think the way we do. In order to get started I needed to brainstorm.After a little modus operandi of deliberation, Juan and some other male classmates decided to hold hands and walk through the student union. Picture four grown men holding each others hands, wal king through the middle of campus. As you can imagine, we received a lot of looks. We walked around for about five minutes as if nothing was exhalation on. People seemed to be staring at us for a moment saying to themselves what are they doing? This is something that never happens in society. You hardly ever see men holding hands, much less four grown men swinging each others arms. Honestly, my first thought was that we would look so gay if we did this. Others in the group were skeptical at first to do this as well. When we walked into class, the students seem to cringe when they saw us take our seats. After that day I decided to take my project one step farther and push past everyones threshold. In order to break the norms of society and truly make people uncomfortable, I decided to wear the color pink for the entire day of school. I went to the local Savers and purchased several items that were very feminine. I bought a pair of pink and scandalmongering striped bellbottoms and a tight pink collared shirt. I wore the clothes to school in the hopes to witness the students reactions to me wearing clothes completely out of the ordinary. After attendance two classes that day, I decided to talk to some friends of mine. They all told me that I looked like a fag. I finally had broke the norms of society and at the comparable time caught my friends stereot... ...ey take it in the rear Some of the men I asked even said they felt homosexuality is like a disease that you mightiness rub off on you if you get too close. Many of these men felt like their families would disown them. My feeling is that if you are not gay thusly you have no reason to be afraid of soulfulness who is. I feel that if you have no doubt in your sexuality then you wouldnt feel threatened by someone who is. I dont feel that men are truly independent or confident adequacy to let go and feel as comfortable as females do. I feel that the social construction of our society needs to be modified . Men need to be taught that it is okay to show emotion and that whatever their sexuality is, it doesnt matter. To be more masculine we should learn to cope with our sexuality, and not be afraid. maleness does not mean without feeling, it means being strong and coming to terms with who you are. Wearing a pink shirt or holding hands with someone doesnt mean anything then just that. With so many influences changing our perception of the world, its hard to make the right choices. You should not be so truehearted to judge someone, and in this case, why does it matter?
Leadership versus Management Essay -- Expository Essays
Is every good double-decker a good leader? Is every leader a good coach-and-four? Leadership and management be often used in mistakable perspectives, yet they do not sh be the same meaning. Leaders are exactly what the name says - they lead team up members to success. Managers, like leaders, have the meaning referenced in the name. Managers manage over employees, striving for success. The dickens titles can be used simultaneously with one person, simply this is a rare occurrence.According to MSN Encarta Dictionary, the terminal figure manage has several meanings. One of the explanations state that to manage is to administer or run something - to be in sharpenand be responsible for its smooth trial and for any personnel (Encarta, 2008). MSN Encarta Dictionary also shows the meaning for a leader. The first definition states that a leader is somebody whom people follow - someone who guides and directs others (Encarta, 2008). These two definitions are similar, but di ffer slightly. A leader nurtures and guides the employees. A leader helps them on the way to success. A passenger car is one who is in charge and is lastly responsible for the outcome.A managers first responsibility is the outcome of a task. This outcome is detailed by rules and regulations. The manager must ensure that employees are adhering to company policies in order to be successful with the task. This task may be one that the manager is in person handling or one that has been delegated to subordinates. The manager is held responsible for the completion of the tasks regardless of the quantity. Sometimes, the manager completes the tasks personally, while other times require the manager to assign tasks to certain(p) employees. Either way, the final results need to be successful. ... (2008). Manage. Retrieved August 17, 2008 from http//, V. (Dec-Jan 2008). Managers ski ll sets.(MANAGEMENT)(managerial leadership and coaching). Todays Manager, p.27 (1). Retrieved August 18, 2008, from Academic OneFile via Gale http//, T. C. (Dec-Jan 2008). Ideal bosses are scarce in moments of frustration at work, we wish we had a better boss. We venerate our friends who are fortunate to have cordial and understanding bosses. What are the characteristics of an ideal boss? Ideal bosses are normally found in ideal companies--firms that you are proud to work for. (MANAGEMENT). Todays Manager, p.11 (3). Retrieved August 18, 2008, from Academic OneFile via Gale http// Leadership versus Management Essay -- Expository EssaysIs every good manager a good leader? Is every leader a good manager? Leadership and management are often used in similar perspectives, yet they do not share the same meaning. Leaders are exactly what the name says - they lead team members to succes s. Managers, like leaders, have the meaning referenced in the name. Managers manage over employees, striving for success. The two titles can be used simultaneously with one person, but this is a rare occurrence.According to MSN Encarta Dictionary, the term manage has several meanings. One of the explanations state that to manage is to administer or run something - to be in chargeand be responsible for its smooth running and for any personnel (Encarta, 2008). MSN Encarta Dictionary also shows the meaning for a leader. The first definition states that a leader is somebody whom people follow - someone who guides and directs others (Encarta, 2008). These two definitions are similar, but differ slightly. A leader nurtures and guides the employees. A leader helps them on the way to success. A manager is one who is in charge and is ultimately responsible for the outcome.A managers first responsibility is the outcome of a task. This outcome is detailed by rules and regulations. The manager must ensure that employees are adhering to company policies in order to be successful with the task. This task may be one that the manager is personally handling or one that has been delegated to subordinates. The manager is held responsible for the completion of the tasks regardless of the quantity. Sometimes, the manager completes the tasks personally, while other times require the manager to assign tasks to certain employees. Either way, the final results need to be successful. ... (2008). Manage. Retrieved August 17, 2008 from http//, V. (Dec-Jan 2008). Managers skill sets.(MANAGEMENT)(managerial leadership and coaching). Todays Manager, p.27 (1). Retrieved August 18, 2008, from Academic OneFile via Gale http//, T. C. (Dec-Jan 2008). Ideal bosses are scarce in moments of frustration at work, we wish we had a better boss. We admire our friends who are fortunate to have cordial and understanding bosses. What are the characteristics of an ideal boss? Ideal bosses are normally found in ideal companies--firms that you are proud to work for. (MANAGEMENT). Todays Manager, p.11 (3). Retrieved August 18, 2008, from Academic OneFile via Gale http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Conflict between Individuality and Conformity in The Bell Jar Essays
Conflict betwixt Individuality and Conformity in The Bell Jar In Sylvia Plaths novel The Bell Jar, Esther Greenwood seems incapable of healthy relationships with other women. She is trapped in a patriarchal society with rigid expectations of womanhood. The cost of transgressing social norms is isolation, institutionalization and a lost indistinguishability as woman. The struggle for an individual identity under this regime is enough to drive a person to the verge of suicide. Given the oppressive system under which she must operate, Esther Greenwoods problems with women stem from her conflict between individuality and conformity. In formulating my topic, I have relied on Adrienne well-to-dos book Of Woman Born, as well as Cathy Griggers essay Lesbian Bodies in the Age of (Post)mechanical Reproduction. Rich discusses the cultural institutionalization of bewilderhood, while Griggers brings a Feminist and Marxist perspective to the topic of lesbian body image in a capitalist, mark et-driven society. Both consider the effects of patriarchy and heterosexism in their treatment of the experience of lesbians in society. I found these texts to be very helpful in offering an explanation of Esthers harsh prohibit reaction to Joan, as well as in illustrating the anxieties of women in an androcentric, heterocentric, and conformist society. Esthers fundamental problem with female relationships is best exemplified in her conflict with mothering and mentoring figures. These women defy her want to be independent and free. Rich describes the tendency toward matrophobia, the fear of becoming ones mother. She explains that the mother stands for the victim in ourselves, the unfree woman (236). This fear of becoming like the mother/... ...rginia Woolf and Walter Pater. New Haven Yale UP, 1980. Minow-Pinkney, Makiko. Virginia Woolf & the Problem of the Subject. Sussex Harvester P, 1987. Moi, Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics Feminist Literary Theory. London Routledge, 1985. Oberg, Arthur. Sylvia Plath and the New Decadence. in Butscher, Edward, ed. Phillips, Robert. The Dark Funnel A Reading of Sylvia Plath. in Butscher, Edward, ed. Plath, Sylvia. The Collected Poems. Ed. Ted Hughes. New York Harper and Row, 1981. Rose, Jacqueline. The Haunting of Sylvia Plath. Cambridge Harvard UP, 1992. Rosenblatt, Jon. Sylvia Plath The Poetry of Initiation. Chapel Hill U of North Carolina P, 1979. Smith, Pamela. Architectonics Sylvia Plaths Colossus. in Butscher, Edward, ed.
Conflict between Individuality and Conformity in The Bell Jar Essays
Conflict between Individuality and Conformity in The Bell Jar In Sylvia Plaths novel The Bell Jar, Esther Greenwood seems unable(predicate) of healthy relationships with other women. She is trapped in a patriarchal society with rigid expectations of womanhood. The cost of transgressing social norms is isolation, institutionalization and a lost identity as woman. The get by for an individual identity under this regime is enough to drive a person to the verge of suicide. Given the oppressive sy angry walk under which she must operate, Esther Greenwoods problems with women stem from her interlocking between individuality and conformity. In formulating my topic, I have relied on Adrienne Richs book Of Woman Born, as well as Cathy Griggers essay Lesbian Bodies in the Age of (Post)mechanical Reproduction. Rich discusses the cultural institutionalization of motherhood, while Griggers brings a Feminist and Marxist perspective to the topic of lesbian body image in a capitalist, market-d riven society. twain consider the effects of patriarchy and heterosexism in their treatment of the experience of lesbians in society. I found these texts to be very helpful in offering an account statement of Esthers harsh negative reaction to Joan, as well as in illustrating the anxieties of women in an androcentric, heterocentric, and conformist society. Esthers fundamental problem with female relationships is best exemplified in her conflict with mothering and mentoring figures. These women defy her desire to be independent and free. Rich describes the tendency toward matrophobia, the fear of get ones mother. She explains that the mother stands for the victim in ourselves, the unfree woman (236). This fear of becoming like the mother/... ...rginia Woolf and Walter Pater. New Haven Yale UP, 1980. Minow-Pinkney, Makiko. Virginia Woolf & the Problem of the Subject. Sussex Harvester P, 1987. Moi, Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics Feminist Literary Theory. London Routledge, 1985 . Oberg, Arthur. Sylvia Plath and the New Decadence. in Butscher, Edward, ed. Phillips, Robert. The dyed Funnel A Reading of Sylvia Plath. in Butscher, Edward, ed. Plath, Sylvia. The Collected Poems. Ed. Ted Hughes. New York Harper and Row, 1981. Rose, Jacqueline. The Haunting of Sylvia Plath. Cambridge Harvard UP, 1992. Rosenblatt, Jon. Sylvia Plath The Poetry of Initiation. Chapel Hill U of North Carolina P, 1979. Smith, Pamela. Architectonics Sylvia Plaths Colossus. in Butscher, Edward, ed.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Alfieri Tells the Audience ââ¬ËJustice Is Very Important Hereââ¬â¢. How Does Arthur Miller Show the Importance of Justice in the Play? Essay
After Eddie hits Rodolfo the audience gets the feeling that he feels this is justice for Rodolfo leading Catherine away from the life Eddie wanted her to have. This is emphasised by Eddies use of the war cry Danish to describe Rodolfo. By using this as a nickname Miller is trying to access the point that Eddie is trying to isolate Rodolfo from the Italian association and also their family. The true sense of justice in this scene however, comes from Marco who raises the chair over his head.This is a clear sense of warning implied by Marco, which is clear registered by Eddie, Eddies grin vanished. This, to Marco, is a feeling of justice coming to Eddie for trying to make either him of his brother feel like they dont belong. turn also foreshadowing what will happen at the end of Act 2. Miller highlights justice as one of the most important things in Eddies life. However, he leads the audience to enquire whether Eddies desires are truly just. What Eddie wants is his honour and his n ame but also Catherine. Marcos got my name. He also wants his respect jeopardize from Marco, which he has completely lost by the actions his inappropriate feelings for Catherine have caused him to take. In the structure of a Greek tragedy that Miller is trying to create Eddie plays the protagonist. It is his action between his good qualitys and the gradually rise of his bad ones that force the drama forwards with both Eddie and Marcos need for justice. The importance of justice shown in the play comes to a drama filled end with Marco finally getting the justice he believes he deserves.The end of this play was foreshadowed when Marco stated, all the law is non in a book. By saying this Miller has implied to the audience that Marco believes it is his duty to bring Eddies life to an end, in my country he would be asleep(predicate) by now. He also brings in the claim felt by Marco of natural justice and how by disregarding the respect Marco feels for Rodolfo, my brother, my blood, Eddie has lead himself in to the position where he is nothing more than an animal who deserves to die.In conclusion, throughout the play Miller implies the theme of justice as the most prominent and important theme of the play. It is one of the only things Marco and Eddie have in common, in the way that they both search for it and in the end it finished with Eddie dead and Marco being sent abide to Italy. In the final scene Miller shows the audience that though you may gain the justice you sought out for like Marco, Eddie falls to his knees before Marco, it may be the thing that leads to a characters downfall, in which it did with both Eddie and Marco at the end of this play.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
My First Impression of Critical Thinking Class Essay
My first impression when I went to this university was very positive. The person I spoke to secure made me feel completely at home because he said when I started as a mature disciple and thats what I wanted to hear. He asked me just about my experience so far and treated it as though it was whatsoeverthing important, something worthwhile talking about and interesting and then he gave me chance to prove myself although I didnt cast sour the conventional qualifications, to prove myself by doing a written piece of writing which gave me access to the course.Quite pleased because I felt I was intelligent abounding to get onto a course, intelligent enough further non educated enough, I didnt have the certificates to prove it and this was my chance to do so. Ive no way of knowing actually to be h singlest Ive nothing rightfully to comp be it without I guess that obviously with the engineering and those sort of sciences you do need to show that youve g iodin through the steps, ye s I can imagine in that respect would be the difference, yeah..My course is the corresponding a general introduction to socio-economic, political, regular(a) psychological studies and as you go through from one family to the next you can concentrate more on the nations that you find you are interested in barely you dont regret having done other areas which you werent particularly fascinated by because its building blocks and you build on the decision one before you go onto the next one. I tack together it really exhausting forge fitting think fitting 6 subjects in one year is quite a lot to fit in. It would be straight-laced if it was just 5 perhaps but thats life. The deadlines are really hard work but I suppose youve got to have them so thats okay.I chose to study full- prison term so I cant really complain. I find the university itself a sort of alienating environment. In the subroutine library it is difficult to concentrate there are always people chatting, letti ng doors mission and so on. Its loosely minor practical things like the long two bus journeys that I have and the fact that there is nowhere to instauration yourself. You cant make yourself a coffee you havent got a room of your own, not even a locker. You have to carry everything there and back every day and pay 82p for a drink, like a shopper going round town.You cant find anywhere to have a nap if youre tired and I love catnapping it just revives me instantly. Study rooms get really hot. The food canteens are not as redeeming(prenominal) as Id expect but its great I could stay all day reading in the library its a fantastic resource. There is just so much there and I think of it as an archive as time goes on the more and more, the older stuff gets more and more important the fact that its still there because if you compare it for example with the internet theres fill of stuff on the internet but its all pretty current.The old stuff hasnt necessarily been archived, it c an just be switched off. lack of grass roots involvement, choices and accountability alin concert you are treated more like a consumer than a participant but with no customer function hotline. Youve very much pursual a series of chosen paths like levels in a computer game. The choices are just which subjects, not fundamentals like where, when and how to study its not a democracy, its an institution. Its not what Id expected coming from the unforced sector where every giving medication is run by a committee that the grass roots can wrap up and appeal to.You can even put yourself forward to join the committees. pupil Unions just not the same, to me thats like being invited to be a critic in the audience, not to have a dispense in running the show. Here they ask for one student rep from our group just one why not all of us? why not an open forum meeting every hardly a(prenominal) months to feed all our comments big and small through to the management. Why not a pinch bo x at least? Where is the annual report to students? Where s the accountability? It was a surprise to find my course entirely full of 18 year old white kids they all look the same.There must be less than 5% mature students which is a shame. The youngsters are so docile in the classroom, like sheep, they never challenge anything, they just dont know loads of stuff like recent British history, politics. Of course, its easier if youve lived through it but I dont think some of them even listen to the news. I feel sorry for anyone just studying the National Curriculum. The mature students mostly got kids, like me, Ive got teenagers, some also work, have other activities, some are even doing other courses at the same time, they know how to push themselves. nonetheless so, a lot feel unconfident at the university.They just dont get whats required of them, at least for the first year. I was a mentor when I started my second year for an adult in her first year. She said I really helped in l ending an ear and explaining things. Mentoring is a really intelligent system. I wish Id had one when I started. Co-operative work, team work, committee skills. The whole emphasis is on developing you as an individual. You impart be pursue a researcher, not a team. We are also carefully told how to avoid plagiarism but people are afraid to actually work together in fact, university doesnt teach team work in general.It could. In reality there are vital committee skills some graduates wont make do across till they get to the workplace, making them look naive. I mean practical things like meetings, having agendas, minutes, standing orders and so on. In the voluntary sector Id been used to organisations having good, well worked out policies and procedures which are publicly available documents. Here, the nearest we got was one session on ground rules in an introductory course which was never repeated, reviewed or built upon. Value and experiences, using skills and building your self -esteem.Something I got from training as an adult trainer was an appreciation of good methods in bringing out what people already have as a starting point for education. Lectures are obviously pretty much one way but seminars dont have to be. I was taught to be a facilitator not a teacher with the idea that the group works together towards a result. The process of doing this is educational. It builds up self-esteem because everyone contributes their input is valued. Their previous experiences in life and skills and attributes in group work come out. There is no time for that here.Seminars are mostly just tutors trying to get kids to talk about what theyve understood from the text of some great intellectual man whos likely dead now. Perhaps that is just in social science, I dont know. Social justice, rights, respect, equality and diversity all these things are central to the objectives in the voluntary sector. I am sure they are here in the mission statement for the university but the reality is different. The staff seem to be century% white. I am on a course which must be about 98% white. Why arent people screaming about that? Where are the anti-racism posters around the place?Its as if no-one wants to stir up agitation for a change. One good thing is that here in working-class reciprocal ohm Yorkshire the university does open its library doors and other facilities to everyone although it doesnt make a point of advertising the fact perhaps they think that would cause trouble. Perhaps theyre not proud enough of the fraternity focus part of the mission. Activism, forums, notice-boards. I was expecting university to be a hive of student activities like it perhaps was in the 1960s but its not, as many people have said. The student societies are, to say the least, not high profile.This is a shame because its such a larn experience for peoples skills trying to organise something. One reason is that there are so few lively, open notice-boards where activities can be advertised. The few existing notice-boards are glass-covered, its not obvious if theyre for student use and people secretly try to slide notices through the glass where they just stay there for months curling up. Split between several campuses theres no feeling of a sort of open forum for stalls. Its as if a vital source is missing. True engagement with the community.Before Id started at university Id seven years or more with the credit unions which is part of the voluntary sector. It has its own culture perhaps, but it has good principles and tools which are used. Principles like diversity, equality, co-operation, mutual respect, rights and social justice, user management, community management, local provision and grass roots basis and a critical awareness of power structures. Democracy, self-esteem building and capacity building, accessible facilities with childcare if necessary, environmental awareness, accountability and sustainable progress.Useful tools include the use o f ground rules for meetings, experiential learning, valuing peoples own experience, avoidance of jargon and good policies and procedures. The Hallam volunteering project has an signal track record and its obviously a step in the right direction. It gets students out of the ivory towers or out of the pub and into the community for some real-life experience. But I wonder how this impacts on the organisations they work with. There is such a thing as institutional memory and I wonder whether theyre having a good or a bad experience with student volunteers in those organisations.The local voluntary action organisations could advise on this but I never heard much about Hallam volunteering when I worked in the voluntary sector. It may be a false impression but they seem to come for one-off projects, then go away to write up their experiences. For the full-time volunteers and clients of others in the voluntary sector it must feel a little bit like being experimented on I think. Id like to think that students could be prepared with an idealistic visionary missionary statement in their minds about the voluntary sector perhaps a course on community work, its principles, its forward-looking ideals.The voluntary and community sector is historic it is immense, it is something Britain should be proud of. If this vision met the hard reality of imperfect organisations, over the years something would rub off for the organisations as well as the students and it would be a bipartisan learning experience. There are many hard-working development workers in most fields who would be grateful to show the ropes and get some real student volunteers if they came along with some grounding like this. The vision I would have of being a self-directed learner would be spending hours in the library and hours on the internet looking things up.With the guidance of an essay title, perhaps a list of resources that are recommended, web-site links, books by key writers on the subject but not an open brief, definitely working towards an agreed or a set title and writing an essay about that. Yeah it would be nice, it would be nice to have a completely free hand in setting an objective and working an open-ended way to collect data. The nearest Ive come to that type of experience is in the final year dissertation but even that is within you have to choose within a subject area and then within that you can almost by negotiation choose your wn title for the essay or piece of work.I think Ive found it quite liberating to be released from the confines of writing an essay an essay is rather like, well I suppose that is the whole discipline of it narrowing your words and your thoughts round to one and a half thousand words, certain format, very strict yeah, thats difficult, it is an art in itself but Id much rather be doing something open-ended given the freedom and the flexibility to determine the limits myself.Yeah, Ive seen people walking round with cameras, with questionnair e sheets. It seems as though Im guessing, I might be wrong, but it seems as though theyre following year after year the same pattern so I imagine that cohorts of students come round every year and ask the same passers-by the same series of questions. In the first year or two of university is certainly following orders, like following a worksheet or following what youve been told to do.In my particular field Id like to be more in contact with other people discussing working on the same areas. I think I like websites and Id like to think, for one example off the top of my head, that I was working to a cumulative sort of website where we were each contributing pieces of work in the areas that were interested in which would build up as a resource over several years so that new students could come along and be shown this website look at this as a resource and contribute and discuss with the people currently working on the website.Thats just one idea. Other things that make studying inte resting would be student publications which were not reviews of pubs and bands and so on but on the topic so perhaps if the university had a tradition of contributing to the journals. There is a large, massive range of journals which are great to read and very intellectual and some universities I think have this tradition of contributing and I havent seen anybody at undergraduate level making a contribution you can do.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Legal Process on BC Essay
COMM 393 PRACTICE QUESTIONMike, owner of Amazing Mikes Marketing Services Company, has come to see you. He has been sued in the lower-ranking Claims speak to of British Columbia by an employee he terminated when he decided to modernize his company by eliminating any employees who were not under age 25, blond, and Christian. He thought doing this would improve his own business image. Grace, the terminated employee, has brought a claim, asking for wages and damages in the amount of $75,000, bringing her claim under the take up of Rights and Freedoms. Review with Mike any legal issues he may use to defend the claim brought by Grace.ISSUE 1 (what is the LEGAL issue the value allow nurse to decide?)LAW (use your textbook, cases we have studied in class, statutes, and class notes as sources of law)APPLICATION (apply the law to the facts. Make arguments for the plaintiff AND defendant)CONCLUSION (this is the exercise to the Issue)ISSUE 2LAWAPPLICATIONCONCLUSIONReview with Mike any l egal issues he may use to defend the claim brought by Grace. 1.Can Grace bring her action against Mike in Small Claims Court? The law is that an action can only be commence in Small Claims Court in B.C. where there is a civil action and the remedy sought is damages of less than or equal to $25,000. Although Grace has commenced her action in Small Claims for $75,000, Mike would argue that since Grace is suing for $75,000 she mustcommence the action against him in the Supreme Court of B.C. and not in Small Claims Court.Grace will not be able to bring this case in Small Claims Court. 2.Can Grace base her claim on the betroth of Rights and Freedoms? Section 15 of the operate states that every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without dissimilitude and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.Grace will arg ue that she is being discriminated against under this section. However, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies only to Government and Government action or decision making. It prevents the government from creating laws or taking action that would be contrary to the rights guaranteed in the Charter. The Charter does not apply in interpersonal relationships. In this case because the action by Grace involves an interpersonal relationship between an employer and an employee, the Charter would not apply.She would have to base her arguments on the appropriate section(s) of the Human Rights Code. It seems that Mikes defences under these two grounds would be successful. He may be able to expire the action brought by Grace but perhaps not eliminate it. She will have to begin her action in B.C. Supreme Court for let on of the Human Rights Code (not the Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
Friday, May 24, 2019
Computer and Innate Ability Essay
We sometimes think of being good at mathematics as an congenital ability. You either have it or you dont. But to Schoenfeld, its not so much ability as attitude. You master mathematics if you be involuntary to try. Thats what Schoenfeld attempts to teach his students. mastery is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most batch would give up on after thirty seconds In the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell discusses some specific factors of extraordinary achievement.Some of the main ideas he discusses is advant come ons to succeed in life. According to Gladwell, there are tremendous advantages people have over their competitors to meet opportunities. In examining what made outliers like Bill Gates and the Beatles such phenomenal successes, Gladwell hits upon the important role vie by hazard. In each case, these successful people are given opportunities that most others do not have. In the ca se of Bill Gates, he goes to a school that owns a computer terminal connected to a large central computer.This is unusual in the 1960s and 1970s, when computers are room-sized devices costing millions of dollars and are possess only by large universities and corporations. Gates is able to start u We sometimes think of being good at mathematics as an innate ability. You either have it or you dont. But to Schoenfeld, its not so much ability as attitude. You master mathematics if you are willing to try. Thats what Schoenfeld attempts to teach his students. Success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after thirty secondsOne example of this is Billy joys lucky advantage that leads him to success. Bill joy tended to(p) University of Michigan the year the advanced computer system was introduced so he began to visit the computer room more often than most he make up got a job with the computer science professor. (Sounds like he got same job with professor. I dont know I think something falsely with that sentence) Working in collaboration with a small group of programmers, Joy to on the task of rewriting Unix, which was a software system developed by AT&T for mainframe computers.Billy joy took advantage of his early computer skills to allow him opportunity that was given to him. One example of this is given by Gladwell how their (who? ) birthday can affect their overall performance . The age crosscut entry for junior ice hockey leagues is January, 1. A 5 year old hockey player born on that day is a little older than other competitors, giving them an advantage in size, strength and coordination. The effect at the age of nine or ten, and of course they are more likely to view as talented the bigger and more coordinated players, who have had the benefit of decisive extra months of maturity.So the advantage of being more developed can potentially land them on a professional team, all due to the cutoff dates in professional hockey. Another example of an advantage in succeeding is your IQ score. In the book Gladwell interviews Chris Langan who has the highest IQ score in America. Chris Langan discusses how he had an opportunity to go to college, but never did because his mother never turned in the financial aid paper work Chris should have gone to college to reach his honorable potential to meet better opportunities to succeed in life. I think you have to change those paragraphs?
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Types of Beam
Introduction to Structural Analysis Contents Introduction . 3 Type of transfer . 4, 5, 6 & 7 References8 Introduction A shot is a structural member which carried load. These loads ar most often perpendicular to its longitudinal axis, but they whoremaster be varying types. A dig prevailing any load develops internal stresses to resist applied loads. The types of beam is determined by the kind of nourish the beam has at its ends or anywhere along its length. This is because each type of support generates of specific kind and combination of reactions.Types of beam A. Cantilever beam utilize to create the floating or hovering effect. This is used to create of a bay window, balconies, and some bridges. The weight load is spread back to the main beams of the structure in the cantilever beams and allowing a portion of the structure to go beyond the back up perimeters of the structure foundation. Building in downtown area Cincinnati. Overhang in build is supported on variable dept h cantilevers. Loading on the cantilevers primarily tip loading due to outside columns. (Cincinnati, Ohio) Entrance to stadium taken during construction.Roofing supported on variable depth glue-laminated cantilevers. Loading due to roof weight, wind, and snow. (Berne, Switzerland) World Trade Center. Further example of building overhang supported on variable depth cantilevers. Note that adjacent cantilevers have jet tip displacement. (New York City) B. Steel I beam 1. B. Steel I Beam Very popular election in the construction is no other than sword I-Beam. The I-Beam is also known as W shape. This is widely used in the steel construction. This I-Beam design is common fundamental beam design in commercial structures, but it can be used in the residential design also.Continuous steel plate beam bridge. This 3-span bridge has a composite section consisting of the steel girder and the concrete roadway on top. The I-beams were fitted with shear keys as in the structure. (Near Lausanne, Switzerland) Quai Bridge. Variable depth continuous riveted steel I-beam highway bridge under construction. In addition to the vertical web reinforcement on the outside girder, note the compression web reinforcement on the inside of the left girder. (Zurich, Switzerland) Continuous I-section plate beam bridge. Detail of bridge showing hinged bearing on intermediate pier.This is the fixed point of the bridge for longitudinal temperature expansion. (Decatur, Illinois) C. Flitch beam Used for coating steel and wood to create a lightweight beam with adequate strength, so this beam design are composite beams. The addition of the wooden elements will allow the beam to be fixed to existing wooden structures. While maintaining the strict construction budget, this is used to support the heavy vertical loads. Flitch beam is very useful when the additional load carrying capacity to an existing beam. Project that involved flitch beamD. Hip beam Project that involved hip beam The hip beam is on e among the types of beam it is very popular in roofing design. A hip beam will provide support for other load bearings beams branching off at symmetrical angles. This is more often used in the residential constructions. References http//nisee. berkeley. edu/godden/godden_a. hypertext mark-up language/ http//classof1. com/homework_answers/civil_engineering/types_of_beam/ https//www. google. com. my/search? q=type+of+beam&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org. mozillaen-USofficial&client
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
U.S. Army
Objectives1.1Recognize a situation, problem, issue, or opportunity that needs addressing. 1.2Determine the significance, scope, magnitude, and feasibility of finding a solution to the situation, problem, issue, or opportunity. 1.3Identify ethical issues involved in business explore.1.4 Describe the business research process. ReadingRead Ch. 1 of Business explore Methods. Read Ch. 2 of Business Research Methods. Read Ch. 3 of Business Research Methods Read Ch. 4 of Business Research Methods. Participation & Discussion QuestionsParticipate in class parole 4 out of 7 days in a week. & Respond to weekly raillery questions. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Resource Business Research Methods Review the saving Research to Life sections of Ch. 1 & 3 of Business Research Methods.Respond to the followingWhat evidence is presented that shows effort was made to understand the management dilemma? Identify and crystallize all of the variables in the U.S. Armys dud shell research. What was Myras hypothesis for the U.S. Armys dud shell research? What was the U.S. Armys hypothesis? Nongraded Activities and PreparationResource Business Research Methods Review Exhibit 4.1, The Research Process, in Ch. 4 of Business Research Methods.Find a case study of a research example in which a clear statement of the management dilemma leads to a precise and actionable research.Explain the management dilemma, the management question, and the research question(s).Answer the following questionswhy did you consider the research to be actionable? Was the business research process followed in its entirety?IndividualCurrent Events in Business ResearchWrite a 300-word summary of the business research process by describing the business research process from your experience in the workplace or in an article you find through the University Library. Format your piece of music consistent with APA guidelines.Week Two The Purpose of Business ResearchDetailsObjectives2.1State the purpose of the business research. 2.2Develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses. 2.3Identify dependent and independent variables in business research. ReadingRead Ch. 5 of Business Research Methods. Read Ch. 6 of Business Research Methods. Read Ch. 11 of Business Research Methods. Review Ch. 3 of Business Research Methods.ParticipationParticipate in class discussion 4 out of 7 days in a week. & Respond to weekly discussion questions.Nongraded Activities and PreparationApp DevelopmentIt is estimated that it costs approximately $55,000 to generate an application (app) for the apple iPhone restless digital device. Just offering an app is not a guarantee of success. The most successful apps are sold as downloads and they offer functional value. In addition, Apple takes weeks to review an app.Based on this information, answer the following questionsIf you worked for Apple, what research would you want see in a proposal to approve a new app for the iPod mobile digital device? Why? What res earch would not be appropriate? Why?IndividualBusiness Research EthicsResources The University Library or the Electronic Reserve Readings Find an article utilise the University Library or in the Electronic Reserve Readings that discusses wrong business research conduct that has resulted in individuals or a firm being convicted, or at least tried for, this conduct. Some examples include the followingAsking inappropriate questions Skewing research results Failing to maintain actors confidential information Using participant information for unintended purposes such as selling goods or services Summarize the article you researched.Write a 750-word penning in which you address the following questions What unethical research behavior was involved?Who were the injured parties? How has the unethical behavior affected the organization, the individual, and society? How could the unethical behavior be avoided or resolved? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Learning Team Refle ctionCollaborate with your learning team to discuss the previous weeks objectives. Discuss how you can apply them to a business setting or situation.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Cell Phones Essay
Technologies are getting high-tech. Everyone wants to have the latest gadgets like cell phones. As cell phones improved, more than features are added that causes some problems to some give lessons systems. Allowing students to have their phone in take has been debated over the years. Many school systems have adopted a policy that bans cell phones on school desktop in which I support.Cell phones can interrupt class discussions. For instance, students often forget to turn off their cellphones in class which lead distractions to teachers and fellow students. This temporary removal can take away some of their time in learning their lessons which can lead to discussing a different topic. Some students purposely interrupt a class with their phones but without them having it, they cannot use it for distractions.Next, it will be easier for students to pass notes in class because of texting and other social networking sites. They could easily use their phones for cheating. For example, m y classmate in my Spanish class always brings his phone every day to class. I was so curious on why he kept getting high grades in test when he doesnt even do his home works. One time when we had a test, I saw him translating the Spanish sentences on his phone which could be the reason on why he kept on getting high grades.The scariest reason on why I opposed having phones in school is because of the recent Rutgers controversy regarding bullying. Theres a student from Rutgers University named Tyler Clementi who committed suicide by jumping to the George Washington Bridge. His roommate posted a telly of him kissing another man to twitter and sending it to his friends that made Tyler decide to end his life. With these high-tech gadgets especially cellphone, many peoples lives could be in danger. It is never wrong to try something new for safety of the students.The hassle and distractions of what cellphones can bring and any other gadgets in school can lead to more serious problems. I t is better to take actions now while the problems are not severe yet. Banning cellphones in school ground wont get the students, but it will rather make them more disciplined. It can also make them smarter because they wouldnt have to depend on their phones for answers.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Inkwell Accounting Department Essay
The Accounting subdivision1. inkwell has a small finance team. The bill department is based in the head role of the company, which is located in Birmingham. There are 8 people in the finance team. Each ingredient of the team has their own computer. The team has access to the internet using Firefox and two printers integrated to to each one computer.2. inkwell has one Financial Director, indigotin Gupta. Anils main job is to manage the overall monetary position of the business, ensuring capital investments and corporate strategy is properly dealt with. He has delegated the running of the accounts department to the company accountant.3. Inkwell has one company accountant, Michael OPayne who has been in charge of most financial affairs before Anil Gupta joined the company. The others in the financial team report to him.4. The team consists of one accounts technician, one General book of account and Inventory salesclerk, one Accounts Payable Clerk, one Accounts Receivable Clerk, one Costing Technician and one Payroll and force- place Database clerk.5. The story department keep a finis relationship with the shop staff. The main mode of communication is through email and phone calls, occasionally a member from the team will pay them an unforeseen visit.The Accounting Department- Key Internal Stakeholders1. Anil Gupta, Financial Director, has the overall business for all finance, efficacious and accounting procedures and systems. He produces annual reports and statutory accounts. Alongside this he deals with financial issues such as banking and also legal issues, such as contacts. Anil has 30% of the companys shares when joined the directors in 2008.2. Michael OPayne, the troupe Accountant, has been in the company since the set up of the company. His main duties include running the day to day business of the accounts department. He also produces monthly management accounts and approves payments to suppliers. After observing the company there is a mil d level of tension between him and Anil. However, Michael still needs to report to Anil, if he likes it or not.3. Alex Fox, accounting technician, has the function of making sure the accounting system is reviewed and recommend changes, along with other project work. She has to report to twain Anil and Michael, however works more closely to Michael.4. Michelle Labelle, General Ledger and Inventory Clerk, has the duties of maintaining the companys cash book and keeping control on the companys inventory. This requires Michelle to keep in close communication with the store managers. She too reports to Michael.5. Liana Khan, Accounts payable Clerk, has the responsibility of entering all the suppliers invoices and credit notes on to the accounting system. She also has to ensure payments are arranged to suppliers. Liana also reports to Michael, her Father in Law.6. Greg Morris, Accounts Receivable Clerk, has the duties of inputting all information received by customers, as well as credi t control duties. These duties include sending out monthly statements to customer, working out discounts and chasing customers who have not paid in the time given.7. Alan Cook, Costing Technician, has the responsibility of operating the costing system. This means Alan has to work closely with the Sales director in order to pull ahead market prices. Alan uses Quickcost software to do his work and has been doing it for since the company started. He also monitors the cost and profitability of each cartridge on a monthly bases and advises management about variance targets.8. Sharon Ward, Payroll and Personnel Clerk is responsible for the running of the payroll, both Weekly and monthly and also to make sure the personnel database is everlastingly up to date. Sharon uses Sage Payroll systems to process all her statutory forms.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Only Crime Is Pride
The solitary(prenominal) crime is surcharge is a true statement. Multitudes of muckle consent much pride in numerous things some being their job, family, political views, homet takes even in their favorite sports team. In the play Antig mavin by Sophocles, the protagonist, Antigone, wants to break off her fellow Polynecies the same honorable burial given to her other brother Eteocles. Creon, The ruler of Thebes, makes it very lucid to all the citizens that they are not to attempt to bury his nephew or they ordain be stoned to death.Antigone by design defies her uncle Creon to get her wish and receives penalisement as she should for breaking the laws. Subsequent to the sentry bringing Antigone in for her under-the-counter actions, Creons niece does not deny anything saying that she had to do it. The ruler of Thebes was appalled that she would ever commit such a crime. This discovery prompts the Choragos to say, Like father, like daughter both headstrong, deaf to reason She has never learned to yield. Showing that pride clouds her judgment and directly goes against her uncle and his laws to give Polynecies the honorable burial he deserved.Antigone knew that this crime was penal by death but her pride would not let her oversee leaving her dead brother unburied like legion(predicate) of the other soldiers and open for the birds and dogs to eat. Oedipus daughter was so involved in doing the proficient thing that she to take her own life in the process. She says, If I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. This further exemplifies that she cares more about the pride of her family rather than her own life.Had Antigone obeyed the laws put in place by her uncle, she would not have been forced to die. or else she could have gone on living a noble life in the city of Thebes. Creons pride effects many of the decisions that he makes as a ruler. His dignity makes all the decisions very biased, including in scene 3 when he is arguing with his son Haimon. His son tells him that, In flood time you terminate see how some trees bend and because they bend, even their twigs are safe, while stubborn trees are town up roots, and all. He, is telling Creon if he insists with being so stubborn with sticking to what his pride tells him to do he volition corrupt himself and many other who are in his life. Although Creons son is much younger he is wiser than his father even if Creon would never admit it. The king of Thebes was told many times that since Antigone is his family that he should not punish his niece, another reason people tell him he should release her is that she is a female. Despite these reasons Creon says that he would cheek weak to the citizens of Thebes if a girl was able to get away with such a felony.His level of self-esteem would also diminish if he had let Antigone get away with this illegal act. Haimon is not the only one who tells Creon he needs to change his way. The blind proph et Teiresias tells Creon, Think all men make mistakes, notwithstanding a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, And repairs the evil The only Crime is pride. Creons pride make Antigones punishment for doing what she believed was right much more severe than necessary. He had to follow through with his decree so he would not look weak in front of the people he governed.Tragically, because of his pride, both Antigone and his own son, Haimon, died needlessly. Is ones pride more important than human life? In society today pride corrupts people in every country and over every gender, race, religion. Most crimes are committed because people take too much pride for things and because of this take fierce actions. In Libya angered civilians took matters into their own hands later(prenominal) a movie was make mocking their god Mohammed. They were very proud of their religion and to see it mocked in a movie upset them.Aggressors attacked and killed 4 Libyan ambassadors for the U nited States. Another example is the 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup riot. It was a public disturbance that broke out in downtown Vancouver, British Colombia Canada on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The riots happened immediately after the conclusion of the Boston Bruins win over the Vancouver Canucks in game seven of the Stanley Cup. The Vancouver fans were outraged since they had a swarm of pride in their team. They were so upset that they stormed the streets flipping over cars, setting stores on fire, and vandalizing property.The prideful fans minds were clouded and made rash decisions not thinking about what they were doing and acting out of instinct. Harper Lees book To Kill a Mockingbird also exemplifies people making decisions with clouded minds. Once word gets out that Atticus will be representing Tom Robinson in court people begin to bully Jem and Scout. Since Jem is older he understands that he must not let his pride get in the way and keeps composure until finally he snaps, terror izing Mrs.Duboses garden ripping out all the flowers. Scouts self-worth also clouds her mind, beating up many classmates that even thought to bring up that her dad was a bad man. The only crime is pride. accurately displays that pride makes humans act with clouded judgment making them do things they would not normally do the same way Antigone and Creon acted throughout Sophocles play, Antigone, and the same way it effects millions of people in todays world.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Skin Sensitivity
Block 5 Skin sensitivity Lab Hypothesis The fingertips will be the most dainty because they argon used the most for soupcon things all of the time. The area that will be the least warm is the shins because we are constantly bumping into things with our shins so they need to be less sensitive to pain. Data TEST Index Finger Tip Thumb medallion Back of Hand Forearm (inside) Fore- head Nose Back of Neck Shin 1 look into + + + + - - + - - 1 mm + - + + + - + + - 3 mm + + + + - + + + + 5 mm + + + - + + + + + 10 mm + + + + - - + - + TOTALS 5 4 5 4 2 2 5 3 3 CLASS AVG 4. 3 4. 0 3. 3 2. 8 3. 0 2. 9 3. 0 3. 0 2. 9 Conclusion The most sensitive areas of my body were my fingertips, palm, and nose. The least sensitive areas of my body were my forearm and forehead.This partly supported my hypothesis because the fingertips were among the most sensitive but my shins were not the least sensitive. My results were fairly close to the rest of the class. The only two areas that were to a greater extent than a point apart between my data and the class average were my palms and my nose. These areas were to a greater extent sensitive to me than the rest of the class. several(prenominal) areas might be to a greater extent sensitive because they are voluminous with touching and bumping into things than others. For example my fingertips were far more sensitive than y forearms because I use them to touch things all the time and the touch receptors are more dense in them. It makes sense that touch receptors are more dense in areas that are involved in more touching than others. In places where a lot of bumping into things occurs such as the shins, touch receptors would be less dense because you wouldnt want to feel all that pain all the time. Meissners corpuscles are timid touch receptors in the skin which are prone to touch sensitivity.They are located just down the stairs the epidermis, which makes sense because they are closer to the outside so they can be more sensitive to lively touch. Pacinian corpuscles are touch receptors located deeper in the dermis in the skin that respond to touch and pressure. They are good for feeling rough surfaces and determining vibration. The location of these receptors are deeper in the skin because they are designed to feel pressure so when something pushes down on the skin they can respond.The homunculus diagram is exhibit how the human body would be built if it was in proportion to the amount of sensory and motor capitulum power needed to interpret each part. The hands and mouth are bigger because they require more brain power to control. In the somatosensory cortex diagram the mouth and hands are likewise bigger which might explain why the skin in both of these areas is more sensitive than in other parts of the body. In both diagrams the bigger body parts require more control from the brain and have more sensitive skin.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Simple Pricing
The new proceeds as i-mode start on 22 February 1999. Initially 67 study providers participated in the new service, with sites ranging from banking to Karaoke. Thanks to i- mode always and everywhere we can use from informatory services, the universal bank services, stock quotations, reservation of tickets. Telephone is guide after cinemas restaurants, clubs etc. However the largest popularity adopt service LadyCall (which addressees are teenage Japanese), dedicated the newest trends of fashion, the to the highest degree popular idols and actors including many different information which was should know, to fare in peers company.Young users are the prime motor of success i- mode. They are almost half(prenominal) of all subscribers. The users i- mode not pay for time duration the connection, only when for quantity of sended data. Dispatch or receipt one packet (128 bytes) carries out 3 yens (about 12 groszy), and regular payment 300 yens (about 12 zloty) monthly. Some services available by authorized partners require bringing additional, small payments. They are small, but they make up the powerful source of earnings.Provides by that example of Bandai firm- the Japanese potentate of amusement industry- in price 1 USD monthly sends every day everyone of subscribers the small animation. Only this one service is in Japan about 2 million users. I-Modes Business model I-mode has been extraordinarily successful in Japan. This is because of its dandy convenience and its unique business model. Its reliance on this system offers an innovative approach to the mobile service value chain and to radio receiver service / Internet relationships.Exists close cooperation with equipment manufacturers, content providers, and other platforms to ensure that wireless technology, content quality, and user experience evolve jointly. This synchronization guarantees that customers, partners and shareholders share interests with end-users, thus enabling all parties to maximize va lue and to continue to improve the quality of products and services connected with i-mode. By adopting an HTML subset is able to mankind of sites exceptionally simple.Is enabled the compatibility of many other standards including GIF, Java, MIDI, Macromedia Flash, and HTTP. Additionally DOCOMO promoting beneficial alliances with a variety of international partners, including content providers, afield operators, ISPs, software developers and manufacturers. These alliances endorse international coverage encourage the development of new collaborative products, and offer i-mode users the most cost-effective, high-quality products and services available globally.Simple Pricing System DOCOMO collect monthly information charges for the i-Menu listed content providers via a consolidated bill for all mobile phone activities, thus eliminating the need for provider billing. This arrangement reduces expenses for the content partners and encourages them to generate high-quality offerings to at tract new subscribers, thereby boosting their profits. Additionally, they are able to generate incremental revenue by charging a small commission for the clearinghouse billing system service.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Case Problem Production Strategy Essay
1. The recommended number of Body summing up100 and Body incontrovertible200 forms to produce?Sol I recommend you sir to produce fifty dollar bill one (51) numbers of BodyPlus100 and seventeen (17) numbers of BodyPlus200 machines so as to make the maximum avail in manufacturing of these BodyPlus100 and BodyPlus200 machines. The effect on shekels of the exigency that the number of units of the BodyPlus 200 produced must be at to the first ge atomic number 18st degree 25% of the total production?Sol The net profit that is obtained in manufacturing BodyPlus200 at least 25% of the total machines leave be marginally less when comp atomic number 18d to the profit that is obtained in manufacturing to a greater extent BodyPlus100 machines i.e. more than 75% of total machines production. As calculated, the total expenditure that is make in manufacturing BodyPlus100 (includes the raw costs and labor costs) is $1309 per machineThe total number of working hours in manufacturing BodyPlus 100 (includes machining, welding, painting, finishing work and for assembling, testing and packaging) is 15hrs. forthwith, the net profit that is make in manufacturing one BodyPlus100 machine after selling it to an authorized dealer for (70% of the retail outlay i.e. $2400) is ($1680 $1309) $371.Now the profit made per hour on manufacturing one BodyPlus100 machine is $24.73Admittedly, referring to the calculations from attachment 1 from Production outline the net profit made per hour on manufacturing one BodyPlus200 machine is $20.83 Where efforts should be expended in bless to increase contrisolelyion to profits?Sol I sincerely advise you, sir, to reduce the total piece of manufacturing the BodyPlus200 in the total production as the profit obtained for each BodyPlus100 is more than the BodyPlus200. Also assigning lesser time for machining and welding is also resulting in the total number BodyPlus100 machines produced so as to obtain more profits and time has to be managed well so that assigning ten (10) more hours for machining and welding will result in more number of products that grass be manufactured. Instead of assigning 450 hours for finishing and painting, we nominate assign 440 hours for finishing and painting that can produce one more BodyPlus100 (taken that the total percentage of BodyPlus200 is reasonable slightly less than the percentage recommended as 25% of the total production). Case Problem2 Solution Plus If Solutions Plus wins the bid, which production facility (Cincinnati or Oakland) should supply the cleaning fluid to the locations where the railroad locomotives are cleaned? How much should be shipped from each facility to each location? SolNo. of gallons requiredNo of gallons supplied fromCincinnati(in gallons)Oakland(in gallons)Santa Ana22,41822,418El Paso6,8006,800Pendleton80,29030,29050,000Houston100,47750,44750,000Kansas city241,570191,57050,000Los Angeles64,76114,76150,000Glendale33,68933,689Jacksonville68,48618,48650,000Litt le Rock148,58698,58650,000Bridgeport111,47551,47550,000Sacramento112,00062,00050,000Total990,522517,615462,907Here we can see that the total numbers of gallons that are delivered from Cincinnati are more than 500,000 gallons. So we are short of 17,615 gallons of the locomotives cleaning agent that has to be delivered from Cincinnati.To satisfy the requirement of the majority of the dealers in the remaining locations, and considering the profits, all the 17,615 gallons of the cleaning agent is reduced from the Pendleton deal. What is the break-even layover for Solutions Plus? That is, how low can the company go on its bid without losing money?Sol The Break-Point is given by the point at which the company owns neither profit nor loss during the sale of the company products. Hence this is given as the zero profit and zero loss zone for the Solution Plus company. This Break Point can be calculated when there is no profit in the bid. If the price of oil is hiked and freight charges are also increased by the same standard, then the Break Point is calculated at $1,821,214.39If Solutions Plus wants to use its type 15% markup, how much should it bid? Sol If Solution Plus wants to use its standard 15% markup, then it should place a bid for $1,821,214.39 Freight costs are significantly change by the price of oil. The contract on which Solutions Plus is bidding is for two years. Discuss how fluctuation in freight costs might affect the bid Solutions Plus submits. Sol Here, the net profit made for one year is $237,749.72 and if the bid is made for one year the total amount has to be $1,821,214.39 but given that the bid has to be made for two years, then the bid price would be $3,642,428.78And the profit expected in two years (taken the oil prices are fixed) is $475,499.44If the oil price is hiked by 15% then also profit is expected for the Solution Plus Company as there are few locations which are supplied with the cleaning agents without any shipping charges. So only a marginal amount of profit can be made in two years even after placing the bid. If the price of oil is slashed by any margin, then there will be more profits for the Company after one year.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
International Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Terrorism - Essay causaThe essay International Terrorism talks slightly the complex aspects of human experiences based on shun features that are imposed on them - terrorism. This is because terrorism captures emotions based on politics, philosophy, psychology, military strategies, and history to bring about negative experiences to the world. The term international terrorism denotes the use of violence by international or extraneous neighborhoodies against civilian populations of another nation in an attempt to cause panic. Those that perpetrate the acts of terrorism are know as terrorists and they operate in covert means, normally, unless their attacks require attention. In order to draw attention or even gain publicity, terror attacks are d star overtly and in public with the knowledge of the elite group or even security forces. The security forces, in cases of overt attacks, are usually backed into a corner and are unable to take action either due to lack of in ho ldation or great risks of intervention. International terrorism requires the use of cell groups to plan and carry out terrorist attacks in unlike nations, where they even recruit members from the home nation. In addition, international terrorism is taking a new form or face that involves the use of loose organization in conducting and executing attacks. This is through self-financed groups, which are part of an international network that works together in isolated cases. The groups thrive on a different basis such as religion to carry out their attacks or even make their voices known. or heard. Such groups let in radical Islamists, who use Islam as their religion and claim to be marginalized on a global scale or even have their rights infringed. For this reason, the Islamists carry out attacks in nations that have secure ties with the host nations that oppress them or even those that infringe their rights directly. This can be seen in the case of the folk 11 attacks in the year 2001 in the unify States, which is an example of an international terrorist attack in the United States, which was executed through suicide attacks aimed at various installations in the nation. A passenger jetliner that was hijacked en avenue to Los Angeles from Boston was flown into New Yorks World Trade Center into one tower while a second plane was flown into the second tower later. The attack was conducted in the presence of the terrorist who were onboard and with his or her own pilots. This one attack is evidence of international terrorist attacks that are believed to originate from radical Islamists from the Middle East and the perpetrator cosmos a Saudi man who was anti-western, Osama bin Laden (United States Institute of Peace, n.d). One of the reasons that international terrorism has escalated is because of the proliferation of weapons that include weapons of mass ravaging. These are especially found in the case of Iran and North Korea that are believed to finance and denounce international terrorism as they have access and run uranium enrichment for nuclear weapons. The production of these nuclear weapons has also seen new trends in international terrorism, where international terrorists have been noted to attempt at acquiring chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons (Perl, 2007). One such international terror attack that used weapons of mass destruction occurred in Kurdistan and was executed by Iraqis in an attempt to wipe out all Kurdish battalion that spoke the Kurdish language. The gas caused the death of roughly 5000 civilians and it was seen as a means of multiplying force, where it killed civilians instead of targeted soldiers
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
In cold blood final section Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
In cold blood concluding section - Essay ExampleThe final chapter shows how Dick and Perrys relationship turned from being partners in crime into just mutual acceptation of each other. They barely talk to each other even though stay in nigh cells. Additionally, Perry keeps to himself because he does not like Andrews who keeps correcting his grammar while being overheard by the guards and their fellow inmates. Perry eventually stops alimentation and is taken to the prison hospital for IV administration. Still, he refuses to benefit from the IV, almost psychologically, as he wants to knock down himself before having others take his life from him. A sudden turn of events occurred when Perry is informed that his father sent an dubiousness about him through the jail warden. From then, Perry decides to go on living and just waits for the sentence to decide for his life. On the other hand, Dick busies himself by writing several letters of appeal stating an unfair trial tending(p) to b oth him and Perry. The case is re-opened, mainly to protect Kansas Courts reputation, resulting in the judge delaying the execution date. On the final pages of the chapter, the fountain narrates Perrys bitterness and resentment over letters that Dick receives, but refuses to accept any visitors take away for Capote --- the books author. After several years, the appeal reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, but hearing is denied.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Cross cultural Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cross cultural - Essay Exampleup of different ethnical groups like Baganda 16.9%, Banyakole 9.5%, Basoga 8.4%, Bakiga 6.9%, Iteso 6.4%, Langi 6.1%, Acholi 4.7%, Bagisu 4.6%, Lugbara 4.2%, Bunyoro 2.7%, early(a) 29.6% (2002 census)(cited from CIA.comOfficial language The official national language is English. English is used for in all the official purposes in the offices, courts of Law and is part of curriculum at grade schools. The preferred native languages atomic number 18 Ganda or Luganda, Niger Congo languages, Nilo-Saharan Languages, Swahili and Arabic. Literatcy rate for total population is 66.8%. Literacy among man is higher 76.8% than woman 57.7%.Ne arst neighbours Uganda is inland by its neighbouring countries. It has Kenya at its East, Sudan at North, Democratic Republic of Congo at West, Rwanda at Southwest and Tanzania at south. It shares its border with Kenya and Tanzania through Lake Victoria.Major trade resources The country is rich in its natural resources like o ther African countries. It has mineral deposits of copper and cobalt and reserves of crude oil and natural gas. Economy is by and large based on Agriculture sector. The fertile soil and regular rainfall provides appropriate condition for metrical composition of agricultural products especially coffee, tea and cotton. The export commodities are coffee, fish and fish products, tea, cotton, flowers, horticultural products and gold. The import commodities are capital equipments, vehicles, petroleum, medical supplies and cereals. The natural gas resources are untapped.Political structure The country is a commonwealth nation. President is chief of state and head of government. President is appointed from the elected legislators by the cabinet. Election takes stray in every five year term. President is elected through the popular vote.Due to the carriage of different ethnic groups, the culture of Uganda is very diverse. There are sixty five indigenous communities. The discourse style in Uganda changes according to the cultural preferences of
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Design thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Design sentiment - Essay manikinJust like problem solving, figure of speech is a ubiquitous and natural human activity. The beginning of the spiriting process is where dissatisfaction and needs with the current state summed with determination that an action must be taken to mold a particular problem. Scientist from the scattered parts of the world acts as designers in their c areers not knowing that they are participating in the design process (Frisendal, 2012).Design thinking has also gained attention in the consideration of telephone line. The reason behind the increased attention is that the design of services and products is a great component of business competitiveness. Most well known companies have indeed committed themselves to being design leaders. Though design thinking has recently become an important part of engineering fields, design, and business, it can bring positive do to the 21st century education across many disciplines. The positive impacts can be since i t involves creative thinking in delivering solutions to problems (Menges, 2011).In academic environments students are expected to read critically, think and reason in a logic manner and solve problems that are complex. Therefore, to help students succeed in the digital, interconnected world, educators should provide pupils with systems thinking, design thinking, and team cast skills. In doing so, it will help them nature their skills of problem solving and prepare them for higher education and travel (Ingle 2013).In many fields, knowledge is accumulated and generated through action. Thus, knowledge is utilized to elicit work, and work is evaluated to produce knowledge. People who are creative usually work in two different ways. They can work as makers or finders. Finders show their creativity through discovery while makers, though are as creative they are driven to synthesize what they are aware of in concepts, compositions, constructions, arrangements and patterns.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Psychological Journal Reading and Questions Answering Essay
Psychological Journal Reading and Questions Answering - Essay caseThe psychological experience is that focus of attention is essential for perception of gaze direction in a centralized attention pattern. The behavioral facts found in the discover are those related to the compelling fond elements that lie deep in the act of gazing. Gaze-recording techniques can be used for the analysis of behaviour traits of spate engaging in a group activity. This is easily noticed as the gaze cues can fade in a millionth factor of any other facial expression. The study of gaze social organization of people leads the head dash in many of psychological studies which help a person materialise out what others guess from the very glance of their gaze.The authors have adopted experimental patterns to demonstrate their finding from the studies they make on the topic of gaze-behaviour trait relationship. They used super computers in place to support the operative study with a group of experimental p articipants and designated targets. Their experiments in the basic patterns found that directional learning from head and look were combined for head always followed the direction set by the eyes. Target was seen simultaneously induced by factors of distracter stigmatization. The objects thus used in the experiments had a substantial tendency to appear directly above or below the target and could be congruent or incongruent with the target image. Objects used as 24 of such target stimuli resulted in as many as 192 displays. The congruency level in both cases did not exhibit much difference as the direction of visual imaging was concerned. Another experiment leads the way of vision theory with engagement of full face images with horizontally averted eye gaze suggesting predictions for directional information form unattended profile heads alongside hand targets. Some findings are that profile head distracters interfered comparatively with hand targets. This idea supports the earlier findings of directional information from head cues being
Friday, May 10, 2019
The Portrait Of The Leadership In The Movie Backdraft Essay
The Portrait Of The Leadership In The cinema Backdraft - Essay ExampleIt is a matter of turning ones antennae to things that interest an individual. The most effective ways that leading tail convey their messages is through past experiences that get up the human history. This can say in form of stories (DuBrin 18). These stories form parables that draw an inner message that can inspire the junior staffs in an organization or even the political leaders. More and more staff members are always looking for inspiration from their position managers.From the Film backdraft, John Axe Adcox (Glenn) is a character full of inspiration. In scene 4 (2513) he demonstrates is part of life and the way he takes image of this life-threatening career in firefighting. The good control he has on Engine 17. The way he is tactful in breaking on round top of the roof such that ones the fire engine is up and running the foam would go directly putting to death the fire (DuBrin 40). Leaders need to borr ow these tactics in dealing with hot issues in their organizations. It is ingest that running away from the problem does not solve the problem either. Its our leaders tariff to fight the problem head-on.In the scene (4314), Stephen Bull McCaffrey (Russell) is the most elderly and experienced person as seen in the film. The vast knowledge he has towards firefight has brought yields in solving the mess in this fire in Chicago. He is a true role model in the great mind and courage he has to keep on fighting with this bad master the fire (DuBrin 43). It is a lesson that will remain in books of history that fire is a good servant but a bad master.The metaphor hither is that when our leaders take this noble responsibility their duty to maintain calmness in the areas that matter most. This can give our political leaders a reason to sit back and rethink what they do preach. The conjunction can go into frames, race against race due to poor leadership skills (DuBrin 50).
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Market Segmentation and domino effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Market Segmentation and domino effect - demonstrate ExampleThe scheme formulation is when the revelation of business strengths and weaknesses, for the growth of a wide range of strategic plans for the successful administration of environmental openings and threats. The corporate projects are redefined by signifying attainable goals, emergent strategies, and setting functioning procedure. Strategy formulation is germane both for organizations proposal in general and for individual product.Economic Conditions frugal conditions of the area or territory where the company market their product can affect the sales of the product. therefrom it is outstanding to understand the economic conditions such as unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate etc. to begin with launching the productInnovation is the process of creating a commercial product or process and in addition an invention of the product. Thus, in terms of creating value, an inventions potential is reached only when a firm develops and sells a product that satisfies customers occurrent or unmet needs.McDonalds is known a the most popular fast food chain, with more than 3000 franchises in roughly every country of the world. The global annual sale of McDonald is 57 billion dollars while more than 25 billion dollars only in America (Arndt, 2007 64-72).Committed to stringent standards of product quality, service and cleanliness, McDonalds uses value determine (the source of relatively low costs to customers) while offering menu and storefront variety and relying on the power of its brand name (sources of differentiation). Globally, McDonalds seeks to provide its combination of relatively low costs and some levels of differentiation in a culturally sensitive manner. In India, for example, the Maharaja Mac, which is made from lamb, substitute for the beef-based Big Mac. public corn soup is offered on the chains menu in its Japanese units (MacArthur, 200113 -53). McDonalds marketing strategy chie fly focus on children, parents having young children, teenagers and business workers. Market Segmentation for McDonalds unseasoned burgerThe company which practice the strategy of market segmentation is discouraging broad segmentations sections because minor segmentation helps in focusing and better pinch of the consumers. An advertising company states, there will be no market for products that everybody likes a little, only for products that somebody likes a lot (Cutler, p.76, 1989). While other marketers are of the view that market segmentations are very important (Linneman & Stanton, 1991 50-67).McDonald has been in the fast food industry for a long time and it has ample experience of new food products. Statistics have depicted that the size of fast food industry has reached, to the annual growth of 4.8% in the industry of fast food. McDonalds per year income is almost 102.4 billion dollars, along with the global
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Describe the causes and efffects of the Pliocene warm period Literature review
Describe the causes and efffects of the Pliocene warm period - Literature review ExampleThe age was marked by various critical tectonic occasions that made the scene we know today. One such occasion was the joining of the tectonic plates of North and South America. This joining was realized by a ride of the Caribbean Plate, which moved somewhat eastwards and structured an area connect over the Isthmus of Panama. The association betwixt North and South America had a noteworthy effect on widely varied vegetation in twain regards (1) ashore, the production of an area extension empowered animal groups to relocate between the two landmasses (Cane et al, 2001 412). This prompted a relocation of armadillo, ground sloth, and porcupines from South to North America and an attack of canines, felines, bears and steeds in the rearward bearing. (2) The joining of the two tectonic plates likewise prompted changes in the natures domain. An environment with species that had been associating for billions of years now got divided into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This thus had a critical effect on the advancement of the species which got disconnected from one another.throughout the Pliocene the tectonic plates of India and Asia additionally impacted, which framed the Himalayas. In North America, the Cascades, Rockies, Appalachians, and the Colorado levels were elevated, and there was movement in the mountains of Alaska and in the Great Basin reaches of Nevada and Utah. The exterminate of the Pliocene was checked in North America by the Cascadian transformation, throughout which the sierra Nevada was hoisted and tilted to the west. In Europe, numerous mountain ranges developed, including the Alps, which were collapsed (Dowsett, 2007 478).Throughout the span of the Pliocene, the worldwide atmosphere got to be precooled and drier. The start of the age saw various changes in temperature, which offered route to the general cooling pattern towards the end
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Reward and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reward and Performance - Essay ExampleIn contrast, survey carried out by Kenneth Kovach depicted that employees ranked good wages fifth among their top tenner job reward factors. Therefore, there go forths to be a difference in ideology of what motivates employees (Kovach, 1995). Motivation revels when in an organisation considers all factors affecting mathematical operation. (Ruebusch, 2003). These factors include individual needs, nature of the job i.e. degree of job gainsay and goal clarity, job design, job security, organisational climate, a sense of personal signifi arsece, stability of conductations, recognition, trust, honest communication, dignity and respect, as well as an equitable reward system which pass on be discussed in great gunpoint in the proposed thesis.The exigency to motivate employees with desirable rewards has hitherto salvaged a significant level of importance this is because rewards can serve as motivators but could also have negative reactions should that supposed merit falls at a lower place employees expectations. Therefore, this thesis seeks to examine the impact of valued rewards on performance in the banking industry utilizing the expectancy theory and two factor theory of motivation framework, while introducing other factors that influence the activity levels of performance.From my critical look into on the literature on motivation, as well as the growing need by managers to acknowledge solutions to the question how do they motivate employees, I disc everywhereed a few conjectures that need to be address and elaborated upon in this dissertation. One aim is to ascertain the impact of valued rewards on individual and organisational performance and its performance on productivity and profitability. Then, conjuring strategies that improvises and sustains performance through the establishment of feedback channels, employee training and a cozy work environment can provide a breeding ground for trust. The examination of oth er variables as well as rewards that affect performance such as the aforementioned job security and recognition among others must be in order so that variables can withstand and make a difference through the visitation of time. Finally, the determination of what rewards employees consider valuable enough to influence behaviour will allow management to be very selective to rewards that can profit the workers.Business organisations still face a lot of difficulties in the area of employee motivation. This poses a dilemma for employees control of other factors of production in order to achieve goals, greater productivity and higher profits. In order to motivate people you must appeal to their deepest desires (Ruebusch, 2003). Managers should not expect a standard compensation plan or incentive program to have the similar effect on every employee. To procure top performance, compensation plans and incentive programs must be deftly shipshape to meet the specific needs of each employee because employees of different ages and generational cohorts have varying needs over time (Jeffords et al, 1997). It has also been observed that extrinsic rewards have effect on employees to work proficiently. Therefore, this study will provide managers within the banking industry with a deeper insight into the needs of todays employees and rein them towards other reward trends which appear to boost employee morale and productivity.As highlighted by Herrera (2002), managers need to be concerned of the creation of workplace conclusion that
Monday, May 6, 2019
Evalution essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evalution - Essay typeA good painting draws the attention of people by providing them with a new sense of imagination. A good artistic work is able to evoke emotions in those who view it.The world consists of many colors, which be combined with the humans relationships by the artists to create a beautiful piece of art. There exist much(prenominal) names in the history of arts whose works prove to be a source of brainchild for all of us. One such name is Leonardo Da Vinci, an Italian lynx and engineer, who lived during the time of premature renaissance. Da Vinci created many masterpieces of arts throughout his life. He was mainly known for his paintings. Some of the most large works by Da Vinci include The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, Annuciation, Ginevra de Benci, and Mona Lisa. In this paper, we will describe Mona Lisa in detail, which is nonpareil of the most renowned works by Da Vinci.The portrait of Mona Lisa is an oil painting drawn on wood. Da Vinci created this portrait in the 16th century. Mona Lisa is 1 of the most famous paintings of all times. Mona Lisa holds all qualities of a remarkable painting. These qualities include runiveness, meaning, skills, uniqueness, and fulfilled intent. These qualities make a painting better understood by the people. It is one of the distinguishing qualities of this portrait that everyone praises it without having much information about this portrait. If we talk about the most important criterion that is apply to judge a painting, we can say that it is beauty or attractiveness of a painting that makes it attract a large number of people towards it. Beauty of a painting reflects the mind of the catamount. A painter reflects the beauty of his mind on a sheet of paper, which is then admired by the public. A painter communicates his thoughts to the public in the form of a beautiful painting.Mona Lisas fame is evident from the fact that every socio-economic class
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Distributed systems and cloud computing Coursework
Distributed corpses and veil computing - Coursework Examplebuted and cloud computing to meet the requirements of the Agency, keeping in view the main issues includes the security, cost, scalability, and extensibility. The enrolment focuses on the system architecture theatrical roles include, but are not limited to the operating system, client interfaces and data storage required to successfully implement the requisite system for the permit Agency. After thorough outline and keeping in view the Agencys situation and considering the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions i-e SOAP establish wind vane services and RESTful web services, the recommended design solution is based on SOAP. Finally, the document presents key features of the proposed system design keeping in view the main issues of the Letting Agency and the breakd feature of the system component (Coulouris, Dollimore, Kingberg and Blair, 2012).As the Letting Agency deals with the trading of the property contain ing confidential information, therefore, the Agency has allowed accessing the system from the internal engagement only. This causes a problem that even the employees cannot access the system from any public ne bothrk. The Agency is facing galore(postnominal) problems due to the inconveniences for storing and accessing information from the premises of the customers or public network. In order to solve the problem, the Agency obstinate to implement web services solution based on the distributed and cloud computing. Currently, there are two (2) main solutions based on the distributed and cloud computing includes the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based web services and Representational State Transfer (REST) web services. Each of the web services solutions has its own pros and cons, constraints and limitations. One of the main deliberations required to be considered while designing the solution is the issues pertaining to the agencys scenario. The issues of the Letting Agency r egarding the development of the system include, but are not limited to the scalability of the
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Barker v. Wingo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Barker v. Wingo - Essay fashion modelOf the six Manning trials, four emerged erroneous prompting new trials. On February 1963, Barkers trial was schedule after finding Manning guilty of the murders. Two more trials were done for Barker, who tried to have his case reject for having been denied speedy trial right. This was rejected and he was convicted and issued with a life sentence. Barkers appeal for the end finally ended up at the Supreme Court.Any inflexible rule cannot determine the native right of the defendant to a speedy trial, but an ad hoc balancing basic can be used instead where the conduct of the prosecution is weighed against the defendants. The court decided that the defendant was never denied his thorough right to a speedy trial.In the case, after establishing that no serious prosecution prejudice existed and that the defendant never wanted speedy trial, the court concluded that Barkers constitutional right to a speedy trial was not violated. Barker delayed to ob ject the delays until after their occurrence. When a defendant has the design of having a speedy trial, he has an obligation to actively invoke it. The Court decision was thus on
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